Top Executive MBA colleges that you can study in
Few things are as global as business is. If you’re in the world of business and have some experience to speak for you, you’re probably considering your next move. It’s easy to get lost in the world of MBA, EMBA, FEMBA and what not – but nothing is more valuable than the time and energy that you will be investing in your course.
If you’re working with an organization that is urging you to go for an Executive MBA program, which is often the case with most students, then the world is your oyster.

If you’re considering the top Executive MBA programs, then have a look at some of these:
Duke University (Durham, NC)
Duke offers a global 17-month program that is a mix of both in-person classes and distance learning periods. It is considered one of the top Executive MBA programs out there. There are also periods of residency that include a residency at Duke itself. The residencies move through Asia, Latin America, and finally through Europe. The program allows students to socialize with each other and the faculty through the journey. The students get to meet with the managers of local businesses and learn the local politics of business giving them a more worldview. The average net cost falls around $21, 295.
University of Chicago (Chicago, IL)
The university boasts three campuses in three countries. Their main campus offers a 21-month program. It has about 17 core subjects and range of electives from which students can pick any four. The professional school in Chicago boasts about 6,000 students. The course also has a LEAD program that enables students to hone their leadership and management skills in line with their personal and professional goals. The average cost of tuition falls around $33,107.
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
In the range of the best Ivy league schools, few colleges measure up to the University of Pennsylvania. They offer a 24-month executive MBA program at the Wharton School of Business. Along with a week of global experience, the students have alternating classes between weekends and weekdays and even have extended sessions. These extended sessions require three days a week of rigorous study. The global week allows students to implement what they have learned in the first year in a ‘glocal’, practical setting. You as a student can even pick your location abroad, right from South Africa, to Spain, and even South East Asia.