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Overview of the Executive MBA programs

If you’re thinking of expanding your career options and looking to expand your knowledge in the field of business, then an MBA might seem like a great way to go. It will take about two years full time, or three to four years if you decide to opt for a part-time course.

However, if you take a step further, you will find that Executive MBAs are a notch above your regular MBA.

Overview of the Executive MBA programs
You might naturally have a few questions about the EMBA and why or how it can benefit you the same as a regular MBA or even better.

Executive MBA
An EMBA is of the same duration, however, it is generally formulated for those who do not wish to give up their full-time job. The classes usually happen on weekends, and the curriculum matches that of the regular MBA.

A major difference is in the delivery and enrollment. Although both programs are competitive, you’ll find that the criteria for applying for the top executive MBA programs include a minimum experience of 5 years or so in a managerial position of sorts. This also means that many business organizations are likely to cover the cost of your EMBA – if not fully, at least part of it.

Here are some more details about the top executive MBA programs out there:

Design and delivery
They’re specially designed for working professionals – this means more job flexibility and freedom in terms of how and when you can attend classes. This doesn’t mean relief in the class hours. Any top EMBA course will expect you to put in 6 to 12 hours a week at the minimum. Outside of the class, you’ll need to put in another 8 to 10 hours just for making sure the study material is absorbed.

Choosing an Executive MBA
Top executive MBA programs should be accredited and should offer great job and academic opportunities. They should also be relatively close to you since you will have the need to keep your job full time. There are alternatives. If you find a top executive MBA program online offered by a reputable school, then that may be an option for you.

Cost of EMBA
Your employer may be willing to pay for all of your EMBA, or perhaps a part of it. This is done on the principle that they stand to benefit the most from any training or extra knowledge you acquire. If this applies to you, then with your stable job and the cost being covered – you’ll find that your EMBA is actually more of a profit to you than anything else.

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