Home - Hearing Aids - Ways To Get Starkey Hearing Aids At Affordable Prices

Ways To Get Starkey Hearing Aids At Affordable Prices

Ways to get Starkey hearing aids at affordable prices

When it comes to buying Starkey hearing aids, there are various ways that can help you buy great quality products at affordable prices. While some credit cards offer great savings options, some dedicated stores extend discount offers if you purchase with your cards. Additionally, many people make use of some financial assistance to buy hearing aids. Check out some of the commonly used methods that help users buy Starkey products at affordable prices.

Ways To Get Starkey Hearing Aids At Affordable Prices

Online purchase
Often hearing aids bought from physical stores that cost way more than the ones available online. A thorough internet research can get you to several websites that may sell Starkey hearing aids at very reasonable rates. Many wholesale dealers online also sell sets of hearing aids for great prices. This is primarily because the devices sold online are without any fitting and maintenance services. While this may be a demerit in the longer run, you could still make the purchase if you have a trusted local audiologist that can help you with fitting and follow up adjustments.

Through Veteran Assistance program
Starkey provides special allowances for military veterans to buy world class hearing aids at affordable prices through a Veteran Assistance program. You can select from a wide range of hearing aid products depending on the type and severity of your hearing loss.

Third-party financing assistance
While availing third party sources may not reduce the actual price of the product, you could get some financing assistance. Some of the popular funding resources include health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, HMO, charities, work union, and the like. The average amount of payment coverage by a third party is about 85% of the total price.

Starkey hearing foundation
The foundation assists permanent US residents with limited financial resources to avail best quality hearing aids under its “Hear Now” program.

Tag- Starkey Hearing Aids Prices

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