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Scalp Psoriasis – What it Looks Like, Management Tips, and More

Psoriasis is a common skin problem and may take various forms. Most people are aware of psoriasis on the body, but scalp psoriasis is a fairly prevalent type developing on or around one’s scalp. Affecting roughly 2-3% of people around the world, scalp psoriasis can be rather itchy and discomforting, and people with the condition may become very self-conscious when stepping out. Learning about the condition will help identify the signs, triggers and management options.

Scalp Psoriasis – What it Looks Like, Management Tips, and More

What does scalp psoriasis look like?
It looks very similar to dandruff, and one may experience severe flaking. Tiny, thin scales may also develop on the scalp, along with discolored, raised plaques that are usually red, gray, brown, or purple. These plaques may form on the entire scalp or parts of it and maybe bumpy and itchy.

Causes and possible triggers
The underlying cause of scalp psoriasis is an overactive immune system, which can cause inflammation and cause skin cells to grow more quickly than usual. Specifically, skin cells grow within 30 days, but among those with it, they tend to grow every three to four days. Consequently, skin cells rapidly accumulate on the skin’s surface, triggering the condition. Here are some possible triggers:

Genetic factors
It is estimated that 60-90% of people with scalp psoriasis have inherited the condition. A rare genetic mutation called CARD14, in conjunction with an environmental trigger, may cause it.

Although stress may not be the direct cause, it may worsen the condition. In general, stress may aggravate psoriasis, and in turn, when the condition worsens, it may increase stress and anxiety even further.

Bacterial and viral infections
When fungus and bacteria enter the scalp through hair follicles or because of damaged skin, one’s scalp may become infected. As a result, one may develop it.

Skin injury
Sometimes, an injury to the scalp, such as a scrape, cut, insect bite, etc., may also contribute to developing the condition.


Dryness of the scalp
Psoriasis usually causes the skin to dry up severely, so when a patient grapples with the condition, the scalp may dry up to the extent of developing skin cracks. Sometimes, these cracks may also bleed.

One of the most common symptoms is itching. While itching may be mild for some, it may be severe for others and can even cause sleep disturbances.

Reddish patches
Inflammation of the scalp’s skin surface may lead to reddish patches. Some may be tiny and not easily visible, whereas others may be thick and apparent.

Soreness and burning
One’s scalp may burn and feel extremely sore when one has this condition.

Hair loss
One may scratch one’s scalp a lot because of the irritation, and as a result, the condition may cause temporary hair fall. But one’s hair tends to grow back once the condition diminishes.

Treatment and management options

Psoriasis shampoos
Specific shampoos are usually quite effective in managing their symptoms. These contain coal tar, an ingredient proven to reduce flaking and itching. So, dermatologists may recommend psoriasis shampoos to help heal from the condition.

Scale softeners with salicylic acid
Salicylic acid helps soften and clear flakes and soothes the skin, so it is a good idea for those with it to apply softeners that contain salicylic acid. One should ideally look for products with a 2-10% concentration of salicylic acid to manage scalp psoriasis.

Aloe vera gel
With several healing properties, aloe vera is no stranger to skincare and dermatology. Applying aloe vera gel on the scalp and leaving it on for a while can help soothe psoriatic skin and relieve it of pain and inflammation.

Epsom salt bath
Another common remedy for psoriasis is Epsom salt, as it helps reduce inflammation and flaking due to psoriasis. One should add a small amount of Epsom salt to warm water and soak one’s scalp to reap its benefits on the scalp skin.

Stress management techniques
Although stress management alone may not be enough to heal, it can help control the symptoms because stress tends to aggravate it. So, it is important to identify stressors in one’s life and eliminate them. It also helps to try stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises.

Things to remember when healing from scalp psoriasis

Avoid peeling the flakes
When recovering from a condition that affects the skin, it is advisable to refrain from peeling off the flakes, as this can lead to skin bleeding, infections, and even hair loss. It is important to allow the skin to heal naturally and avoid any irritation, which can further aggravate the condition. This can be achieved by following a proper skincare routine and seeking medical attention if necessary.

Steer clear of processed foods
Processed foods, which are high in trans fats, sodium, sugar, etc., are linked to lifestyle diseases like diabetes and cholesterol. These diseases may sometimes cause perpetual inflammation and may worsen psoriasis symptoms. So, when recovering from it, one should avoid or strictly limit processed and ready-to-eat foods.

Maintain a nutrient-rich meal plan
Incorporating essential nutrients into one’s meal plan can play a vital role in healing from scalp psoriasis. A nutrient-rich meal plan supports the immune system in fighting the infection, which helps in a gradual recovery from the condition. Including fruits, vegetables, lean meats, eggs, yogurt, and whole grains in one’s meal plan can aid healing.

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