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Reasons to Install Integrated Security Systems in Schools

Every school or educational institution can benefit from having an integrated security system in place. But for most schools, budgets are already stretched thin, and there is always a pressure to provide a secure place for students, teachers and other school employees. Therefore, for schools, installing an integrated security system can be a boon.

Here are top reasons why it is necessary for schools to invest in the integrated security system.

Reasons to Install Integrated Security Systems in Schools

  • Integrated security solutions offer better protection for people and assets.
    Use of alarm systems and video cameras can keep criminals away from your school premises. With the rise in crime against children, use of video surveillance around grounds, at the entrance and other strategic points can keep people with suspicious intentions away from your school. Or at the least, be a deterrent to any criminal activity.Use of video surveillance can also minimize and eventually stop instances of bullying in your school. It also allows teachers and school counselors to keep a tab on students who are troubled or harm others.
  • Integrated security systems are budget-friendly solutions for schools.
    Instead of installing separate alarm systems for fire and intruders along with other security systems like access control, communication systems around the school and CCTVs, it is possible to integrate your security system with the help of custom solutions and fit it to your budget.With the money saved on an integrated system, you can further enhance your school security by installing more cameras in elevators, cafeterias, and library and also in the corridors.
  • Integrated systems allow for round-the-clock protection of your school property and assets.
    Even if you have night security guards in place, they can’t manually protect every area of the school grounds. With remote monitoring, you can keep your school property safe from thieves and vandals at all times.With an integrated system, you can get information about any security threat in your school in an easier way. When your entire security system is seamlessly connected, it can perform better and also provide you with information and data about your school security. Overall, it is a better security solution.
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