Home - mannequin - How To Choose The Right Mannequin On A Budget

How to choose the right mannequin on a budget

Finding cheap mannequin displays is very easy provided you know the right shopping tips for the same. By following the suggestions mentioned below, you’ll find the best mannequins even when you’re on a tight budget. Here are a few things dressmakers, store owners, and others should consider when buying mannequins for their stores.

Mannequin material choices
The mannequin’s material can influence the cost significantly. Rigid ones are more expensive. However, they last for a long time.

How to choose the right mannequin on a budget
Plus, you won’t have to spend much on repairs and maintenance. But if you’re looking to display couture collections that require alterations, you might find the less-expensive soft shell mannequins a convenient pick, especially to hold the pins.

Headless vs. full-body models
Headless models are less expensive than full-body options. So, for building your collection with budget constraints, you might want to opt for the reasonably priced headless mannequins. They are also a perfect fit if your store has a lower ceiling. On the other hand, the full-body ones involve an additional cost for coordinating wigs and other accessories, something you want to avoid.

Invisible mannequin options
Invisible mannequins, also called ghost mannequins, are popular among photographers. With the fully customizable components, you can easily use the models for displaying clothes at the store and even for photoshoots. These are, in fact, great options for long-term investment and are excellent choices when you have to pick within a small budget. This is because you can display various outfit styles with just one mannequin.

Adjustable or non-adjustable
Some mannequins come with a lot of posture adjustments. The figure can be made to sit, stand, or pose however you want it to. However, such models are way more costly than those without removable and adjustable features. Besides, in most cases, non-adjustable postures work perfectly well. You can display the whole outfit on a one-piece standing mannequin without any worry. So why not consider this option when you’re on a budget?

Knowing the different types of mannequins available will help you make the right choice for your store. Once you have a rough picture of the essential features you need in your mannequins, take the time to finalize a budget. If you still run short of funds, don’t worry! Specific cheap mannequin displays can be purchased in bulk, especially when you have a large storefront display to set up. Remember that choosing the correct setup goes a long way in enhancing customer experience.

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