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Guide On OTC Medicines For Heartburn

Heartburn is a burning sensation in the stomach or throat when the acid from the stomach moves up to the esophagus. The feeling, known by those who have experienced it, remember that it is not at all a pleasant one. But the positive part about it is that there are various natural remedies like wearing loose clothes, standing up and drinking water mixed with baking soda. In case these don’t provide the required relief, the over the counter medicines come into the picture.

Guide On OTC Medicines For Heartburn
There are many medicines available from a large number of brands. Some of them provide great relief but may have some side effects. While other medication may be perfect for mild cases of heartburn and causing no side effects.

Antacids are a popular choice when it comes to choosing over the available over the counter medicines for heartburn. Maalox, Mylanta, Pepcid, Rolaids, Tums are the available brands for antacids. While they are known to neutralize the effect of acid in the stomach, they may have potential side effects like diarrhea, constipation, stomach upset and nausea. Bismuth subsalicylate is another over the counter medicine to provide relief from heartburn. Unlike antacids, they remove the harmful bacteria from the intestine. Side effects of the same include black tongue and stool. Brands available for Bismuth Subsalicylate are Kaopectate and Pepto-Bismol. Foaming agents are also an option, sold as Gaviscon. They are available as over the counter medicines or even as liquids. They form a layer over the contents of the stomach and keep them immobile. Foaming agents also have potential side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, and constipation.

H2 blockers are over the counter medicines, also available as a liquid, which helps in reducing acid in the stomach. In addition to general availability, they are available in brands Pepcid AC, Tagamet HB and Zantac 75. Side effects like a headache, diarrhea and sexual problems in men are common due to the use of H2 blockers. To speed up the passing of gas in the stomach, Simethicone can be used. So far as used as directed, it has no side effects.

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