Everything you need to know about the overactive bladder syndrome
Affecting millions of citizens, an overactive bladder is an extremely widespread health condition that severely affects the functionality of a bladder. Although this syndrome can affect anyone, it usually observed amongst the elderly individuals and women post pregnancy.
What are the symptoms and causes of an overactive bladder?
The most common overactive bladder symptoms are an unstoppable urge to pass urine, increased frequency in terms of bathroom visits, little or excess urinary leakage, and nocturia, i.e., frequent urination during the nighttime.

When it comes to causes, an overactive bladder can be a result of numerous existing health conditions and lifestyle causes. Here are some of the common causes of an overactive bladder.
Pregnancy During the postpartum period, several women experience urine leakage on a frequent basis. This because during pregnancy and childbirth, there is an immense amount of pressure on a women’s bladder. This causes it to lose its pliability, eventually leading to an overactive bladder.
Age As a person ages, a person’s body slowly loses its vitality and strength. Like every other body organ, even the bladder’s ability to hold the urine diminishes. This is why an overactive bladder is a very common condition amongst older people.
Lifestyle Diuretics like caffeine and alcohol stimulates your bladder, causing you to urinate more than usual. Also, foods containing spicy and citrus elements are capable of triggering the bladder. Ensure that you adopt a healthy diet by decreasing or eliminating these items.
Nerve damage Diseases like Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, or dealing with adverse conditions like diabetes, stroke, or trauma can cause nerve damage. The onset of such diseases and conditions can cause an overactive bladder.
Body weight Being overweight can considerably create a strain on the bladder causing an overactive bladder or incontinence.
How is an overactive bladder treated?
Your doctor will analyze the severity of your problem and then prescribe you with the most viable forms of treatment. This could involve medications, nerve stimulation, and necessary lifestyle changes like better diet, weight loss, no alcohol and smoking, bladder retraining, and positive thinking.
Usually an overactive bladder is not a serious medical condition. It is reversible with the appropriate treatment, support, and constructive self-restraint.