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Child vaccine schedule 2017 for teens and preteens

After your kid turns seven, you need to focus on what kind of new or additional vaccines he/she might be needing. During this second phase of child vaccine schedule, you can get your child vaccinated if they have missed out on any important immunizations. These vaccines might also be a part of vaccination series which your kid has had been taking since they were a baby. Here is an important list of vaccines which are recommended by the CDC’s child vaccine schedule for teens and preteens.

Child vaccine schedule 2017 for teens and preteens

DTaP vaccine – The DTaP vaccine immunizes your kids against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. In the second phase of the child vaccine schedule, this vaccine is often given to the kids when they are around 11 or 12, if they have been following the DTaP immunization pattern and have never opted for TD booster. Teenagers can take the DTaP dose if they have missed the DTaP immunization while they will 11 or 12.

Hepatitis B – This vaccine can be given to your kids when they are between the age 11 to 15 years. Ensure that you consult your doctor first to gain a clear insight into dose amount and frequencies.

Hepatitis A – If your kid never got a Hepatitis vaccine as a baby or a toddler, then you must visit a doctor to get them one. Although Hepatitis A is not really threatening for children, they could possibly prove as a medium for spreading this disease to more vulnerable adults.

HPV vaccine – Also known as human papillomavirus, the CDC’s child vaccine schedule prescribes the parents to get this vaccine when their kids are aged between 11 to 12 years. After six months, the children are required to get their second shot. On the other hand, due to a fairly weakened immune system, teenagers who are 15 or older must take 3 shots of HPV immunization, if they haven’t been vaccinated earlier.

Meningococcal vaccine – Offering protecting against specific kinds of meningitis, the first shot of this vaccine is supposed to be taken when your child is 11 to 12 years old. Later, they will need a booster shot when they turn 16.

Polio Vaccine – If you kid has received all the necessary IPV vaccinations before the age of 4, then they won’t be needing an additional shot. Although, if this is not the case seek the counsel of your healthcare provider for necessary polio shots.

Influenza – According to the CDC’s child vaccine schedule, after 6 months of age, every single person should take an influenza shot on an annual basis. This is because the flu viruses alter as the years pass by, so the vaccine manufacturers make all the necessary changes to the vaccines to ensure that the virus doesn’t turn out to be resistant.

MMR vaccine – Did your child missed the MMR vaccines before? If yes, then don’t get anxious. 2 shots of MMR can be given to your child at any time. However, you just have to make sure that the 2 shots have a gap of at least one month.

Chickenpox vaccine – A child above 13 years of age must get 2 shots of the varicella vaccine, which has to be at least month apart. On the other hand, if the kid is aged below 13, then they must get 2 shots of varicella but in this case, the shots have to be at least 3 months apart. Remember that this is just for kids who never got chicken pox or haven’t ever received a chickenpox vaccine.

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