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2017 To Bring Affordable Hearing Aid To Medicare Beneficiaries

2017 to bring affordable hearing aid to Medicare beneficiaries

Hearing loss and deficiency can cause several limitations and create a dent in the lifestyle of a person. Not only does it affect relationships but also alters the way one lives.  Amidst all this, large number of people are deprived of an effective hearing aids due to the exorbitant price that it comes at. To make it worse, most insurance companies do not cover this necessity under the medical claim.

2017 To Bring Affordable Hearing Aid To Medicare Beneficiaries
Hearing aids are considered elective, but for those with hearing loss, this one is a lifeline.

However, the year 2017 brings with it a fresh breath of air.  More than 1 million people are expected to benefit through 25 Medicare health benefit plans that will be offered across the United States. The new plan will provide high-quality hearing aids that come with several great features for a co-payment of less than $999. This amount entirely depends on the hearing aid selected by individual. This is less than half the total amount that a person otherwise shells out for a hearing aid. More affordable and accessible to many!

Large number of people have come to ignore hearing loss issues due to the high cost involved and this move indubitably comes as a great move. Medicare advantage members will now be able to save a significant amount that they otherwise shell out of their pockets on hearing aids.

The approach comes when Medicare and several other insurance companies do not cover hearing aid due to the high-cost involved. The old practice of not covering hearings aids will now come to an end with this new plan. Numerous insurance companies will come forward and offer this plan to millions of Americans.

The new move comes as a bigger boon, where the benefit allows for up to two hearing aids per year. What’s more? It also allows for routine exams and follow-up visits.

Where acquiring access of a hearing aid is a privilege that is enjoyed by a few financially well-off individuals, the above plan is surely a ray of hope to many.

Tag-Medicare Hearing Aids 2017

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